Customer Support

How can we help you today?

  Help with using CHAI

We understand, sometimes jumping straight into new software can be intimidating.

We’ve got a handy user guide here to help you along:

Suggest an improvement

We’re always rolling out new features for CHAI.

Is there something new you’d like adding to CHAI?

The feature you want to see may be on its way already, but we’re always happy to hear about how we can improve.

  There was a technical problem while using CHAI

Can’t find the answer in our user guide? Don’t worry, we’re here to help with technlical problems.

If you encountered a problem whilst using CHAI Community, please make note of the version of CHAI that you’re using and tell us about what happened.

Want to contact us about something else?

Filling in our feedback form about your overall experience with CHAI Community will also help us to make our software better for you.
